Daily Mirror - Audience and Industries


1) What is the Daily Mirror's audience? List the key statistics here.

Readership832,000 Daily Print
Circulation451,000 Average per Issue

2) Why do the Mirror stories on the CSP pages appeal to the Daily Mirror audience?

It is entertaining to the audience,It also speaks on football which appeals to an audience and engages them more.

3) Why might a reader enjoy the Daily Mirror? Use Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratifications theory to add detail to your answer.

personal idenity-Gary Lineker has a dog in his papparazi shot which gives a sense of personal idenitiy to the audience
personal relationship-Gary Lineakers point is seen as biased which could relate to an audience which has delt with an experience like this.

4) Why are print newspapers generally read by older audiences?

Print is read by older people because of technology today.Most young people and adults use their phone to consume media instead of going out and buying a print newspaper.Older people tend to not know how to use technology as much and since at their age they are probably retiring they decide to buy print newspapers instead.

5) How are the CSP pages constructed to appeal to Daily Mirror readers? Think about text and selection of images.

The main image and title is big and catches the audience's eye.The phrase 'get in' 'get out' implies to the audience the conteversy  Gary lineaker faces towards his biased comment he made about immigration.The selected image of a papparazi shot shows personal identity and personal relationship to gary lineaker because of the fact he is walking a dog and people can relate to walking their dog.


1) What company owns the Daily Mirror. 

Reach, which owns national papers including the Mirror.

2) Who was the Daily Mirror editor between 2018 and 2024 and what was the Partygate scandal that the Daily Mirror exposed?  

Alison Phillips (born 1970) is a British journalist who served as the editor of the Daily Mirror between 2018 and 2024.As a result, on 30 November 2021, the Daily Mirror reported allegations that some Downing Street staff had held three gatherings in November and December 2020, when London was under COVID-19 tier 3 lockdown restrictions.

3) What is the Daily Mirror's circulation? How many papers did the Daily Mirror used to sell back in the 1990s?

1990s-3 million

4) How has the Daily Mirror reacted to the decline in print sales and the growth of the internet?

Recent technological change, in particular online media, has largely been responsible for the downturn in print sales; the Daily Mirror responded to this by launching 'Mirror Online' and establishing a presence on social media sites.

5) List five of Galtung & Ruge's News Values and explain how they link to the stories in our CSP edition of the Daily Mirror.

impact, timeliness, prominent, close to home, conflict, unexpected, current and human interest


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