First 10 Questions
WWW- I like the part where you analyse Doctor Who and you pick up on good aspects such as the science fiction props. Well done for trying the extension task - although you didn't do it in enough detail! 🙂
EBI- Your literacy needs to be more accurate (SPAG) and you need to give as much detail as you can and proofread your work to check for errors for instance you say 'them topics' instead of 'those topics'. You say you want to get a grade 6-7 but you are not using capital letters!
WWW: You are using some great observation skills using all the aspects of LIAR in the photo from Stranger Things which shows that you are starting to pick up on the details and the effect on the audience that these have. You are using connotate and connote really well which shows you are elevating your answers using media terminology. Well done!
Adverts- Denotation and Connotation
WWW-You have analysed the Water Aid advert well with some good ideas about camera shots + effect. This would be helped by a clear point showing you know Water Aid is a charity.
For your own advert, you have started to think about denotation and connotation well (although you mean 'loss' and not 'lost'!)
For the Water Aid advert, you could have been more specific / detailed in mentioning connotations of specific things.
Why is your own advert analysed in a separate post called Funeral??? Change the title or add it to the Water Aid post please!
Film Poster: Missing?
1.Your literacy is letting you down. You must write your blog posts in a formal way using the best words and media terminology whenever you can. Go back to each of your posts and make sure you have the correct title instead of the date or a random word as this will help you organise your blog for revision.
2. For the advertising task (denotation and connotation), you need to make sure you analyse it in a Point-Evidence-Effect on audience paragraph with each bit of evidence (props / slogan / colour scheme / setting and so on) explained with denotation and connotation. Write the paragraph in green font and remember to pick at least three things about the advert and explain the connotations. Feel free to choice a different advert if easier.
3. Please make sure you have done all the work up to date - you are missing the Film Poster as far as I can see.
Thanks! And well done!
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