End of Year 1 exam: Learner Response

 1) Type up any feedback from your teacher in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).


WWW-A strong exam with some great points.Well done!

EBI-Timing/exam technique to cover both csp in detail for the 20 mark essay

2) Look at the mark scheme document linked above. Question 1.1 asks about mise-en-scene. What do we use to remember mise-en-scene? Give one example answer from the mark scheme too.

• Will’s costume – makes him look like he is from our world
• The two children they are chasing – costume and make-up to make
them look abandoned/homeless.

3) Question 1.2 asks about narrative features in the extract. Look at the mark scheme to pick out three possible answers for this question. 

• Location: the empty city creates its own enigma code with the mystery of what has
happened to the city and the people that lived there. This is partially resolved later in the
• Props: the setting and props are both familiar (the drink bottles and bread towards the end
of the sequence) and also other-worldly in keeping with the fantasy genre (the city). The
creates a contrast that suggests the wider narrative arc of multiple worlds (including one
very much like our own).
• Costumes: Lyra and Will are placed in costumes that reflect the world they are from. This
helps to communicate the wider narrative arc of the show and emphasises the fact they are
‘out of place’ in this city currently. This creates a sense of narrative enigma (why are they
there? What will they discover? Are they in danger?) and also a sense of binary opposition –
of two opposing worlds. The costumes of the two other children help emphasise this
contrast and reflect the narrative development of the ‘Spectres’ that have left these

4) Now focus on Question 2 - the 20 mark essay. Use the mark scheme to pick out one way Doctor Who reflects 1963 and one way His Dark Materials reflects 2020. 

• Traditionally, Doctor was a white male, most often with a younger female companion,
reflecting and reinforcing traditional gender roles of the times, with the man as powerful
and in control and the woman as helper. Women’s helper role often been to provide an
emotional, empathetic side to the programme. Reinforcing the idea that men are active,
action-centred while women are more passive, emotional and sensitive

5) Reflect on your overall work and exam performance this year. What three things do you need to work on or revise in Media for Year 11? 

-knowing my csp
-know more narrative features
-revise my key terminology


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