Coursework preliminary exercise

 1) Write a 100 word statement of intent explaining what you are going to make for your preliminary exercise.

I plan to meet my 40-60 second adver about a girl who is worried about her body and wants to stay healthy aswell as still have flavour on her tastebuds and she discovers the drink volvic which has a range of flavoured water which helps satisfy her tastebuds.The beginning of my advert will have slow paced music to set the style and have a medium shot aswell as a close up shot of the girls phone where the product volvic will first be advetised (pack shot).To set the scene of the start of my advert there will be low-key lighting and it will most likely be at night.I deliberately do this to show daily life so that the audience relates to it.

The middle of my advert will be the girl outside doing things most people do in their daily life (using a medium close up shot,close up shot and a pack shot).During my advert i want my product to be adverised a lot where the girl goes around as well as the posters involving what is inside the drink.At the end of the advert my character will be inside the shop and finally buys the drink.She then drinks it (included in the advert) and finally realises the drink tastes good aswell as how it unlocked her "inner tastebuds".At the very end of my advert it will be my character drinking the product and the product will be on as an overly on top of my character with my slogan being used.I will also use a voiceover and add a website where people can donate to.

Statement of intent: 100 words explaining what you plan to make.
Example statement of intent [147 words]: 
I plan to make a 30 second advert about a student struggling in school due to tiredness and behaviour issues who is helped by their rehydrating health drink. The beginning of the advert will have a montage editing sequence of different issues that the student is having with a soundtrack that fits a negative overall mood. My character will be in school uniform that is deliberately messed up to help communicate the struggles the student is experiencing.
The middle of the advert will involve the character discovering the product with close-up shots of the product (pack shot) and also the character drinking the product. The advert will then end with the character alert, in perfect uniform and answering a question in class and being successful. The final seconds will have a logo and slogan of the health drink with a voiceover saying the product name and slogan. [147 words]
2) Write a script for your preliminary exercise on your blog. This needs to include stage directions AND dialogue. To see how a TV drama script is presented, and to look at professional examples, check out the BBC Writers' Room and click on Script Library. These will not be advert scripts but the layout will be the same.

Beginning (advert 1):

(scrolling on tiktok trying to find healthy drinks)

comes across volvic drink advert*

"why have tap water or regular watewr when u can have...."
"VOLVIC! A drink that tastes like water as well as has flavour to it but also has naturall water itself"
"If you want to stay healthy but also have a small sweet taste volvic is the drink for u!"
"volvic contains 20% less added sugar than any normal drink itself as well as containing pure natural fruits"
"the only drink that can help u unlock ur inner tastebuds,imbibe volvic"

comes across more adverts of volvic*

Beginning (advert 2):

going to the gym to exercise*

working on trendmil with friends*

gets tired*

my friend is still energetic and working out*

does more exercise*

me and my  friend take a break*

Friend:are you okay you look so tired?
Me:yh im good

drinks plain water*

friend:your still drinking plain water like that?
me:whats wrong with it
friend:it dosent give you any energy or any strength
how else do you think i didnt get tired at all
friend shows product*
i drink product*
feels more energised and ready to work*
works out without getting tired*
keeps using volvic*

3) Casting: Who will be in your preliminary exercise advert?

me and a friend 

4) Plan your locations: Where you will film your preliminary exercise? (You can film off-site if you wish to do this for homework - this is what we would strongly recommend). Important note: You CANNOT take any students out of any other lessons OR disturb any other lessons in the school. If you wish to film in-school then you will need to film with Mr Ray supervising or after school with a Media teacher present. 

first at school wherever im allowed and for hw at home and a gym and the streets

5) Write your shot list: every shot you plan to film. This needs to be far MORE shots than you will actually use in the final edited version - plan extra angles, close-ups, long shots and more. You can find an example shot list here. This is for a narrative film but the layout will be the same. 

-pack shots 4x
-long shots 10x
-close up 8x
-medium close up 12x
-over the shoulder 2x
-extreme close up 7x


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