Film poster analysis



“Talk to me”-short and catchy and is a phrase so that the audience can see it and think yes this is a good movie.The director is also showing us that this is a horror movie by the font (looks  hollow,mirror like to engage the audience) has smaller text (copies any other type of horror movie that has ever been released.


I feel like this movie is mainly targeted towards female because of the title ‘talk to me’ and i feel like females normally always hear this word on a daily basis because of their emotion or their looks.I also feel like this movie represents people being watched and normally in reality women are always feeling like they are being watched when they are alone.


In the picture we can see a hand which has words written all over it which could represent bad things that have happened or bad thought of the person.I feel like it represents a person watching someone and all the bad words on the hand are words that have came out of the persons mouth.This movie could also represent a stalker since it is linked to horror.


This film was made by Danny and Michal phillipou and the movie was created in 2022

 to be a remake of another movie or a combination of horror movies together to create this piece.


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