
Showing posts from September, 2024

Coursework preliminary exercise

  1) Write a 100 word statement of intent explaining what you are going to make for your preliminary exercise. I plan to meet my 40-60 second adver about a girl who is worried about her body and wants to stay healthy aswell as still have flavour on her tastebuds and she discovers the drink volvic which has a range of flavoured water which helps satisfy her tastebuds.The beginning of my advert will have slow paced music to set the style and have a medium shot aswell as a close up shot of the girls phone where the product volvic will first be advetised (pack shot).To set the scene of the start of my advert there will be low-key lighting and it will most likely be at night.I deliberately do this to show daily life so that the audience relates to it. The middle of my advert will be the girl outside doing things most people do in their daily life (using a medium close up shot,close up shot and a pack shot).During my advert i want my product to be adverised a lot where the girl goes around a

Coursework: Summer Project 2024

  1) Research: health drink TV adverts Innocent Drinks Answer the following questions: 1) What is the  unique selling point  of the product?  The unique selling point of innocent drinks is to make smoothies that are natural and fresh.This also comes from the logo of the product which has an a small person with a halo (Angel) which connotes pure and this links to the product itself because it is pure natural fruits. 2) What  audience  do you think this is aimed at? Add as much detail as possible (e.g. demographics, psychographics) and explain  why .  I think that the target audience for innocent drinks is very diverse because i think that the producers want people to have a more healthy lifestyle rather than  drinking fizzy drinks.I think that the psychographic group for this is surveillence because it has a sense of education for people who want to try a healthy drink.I think that the target age for innocent drinks is between 16-40 year olds.The drink is for both genders because it is